The movers will arrive later this month. But let’s keep in touch!
This might be something you’ve said recently, if by chance you’re preparing to move soon. And if you haven’t moved recently, as the economy continues to shift to more remote work than ever, combined with a rising cost of living in many pockets of the country, you might find yourself wanting to move soon.
Which begs the question, What’s the best way to let friends and family know your new address? We’ve compiled a number of ways you can do just that, below, from the more casual to the most formal.
1. Via text.
Texting details for your new place is one of the quickest and most helpful ways for close friends and family to keep in touch, not to mention anyone else who needs to know your new physical address immediately.
2. Through an email.
Try sending yourself an email with the new address, and blind copy any friends and family who should know how to reach you or might wish to visit once you’ve finished moving into your new place. A few sample subject lines could include:
· “Change is good. Here’s how to find us.”
· “We’ve moved (again)!”
· “Keep in touch! We’re moving!”
· “We said yes! To the new address!”
· “Your guest room has moved!”
· “Our dog has some new digs!”
3. With an online or e-card announcement.
If you’re hoping to have any type of housewarming party, this could also serve a dual purpose through an Evite or another online invitation. Worth noting: As tempting as it is, avoid sharing your physical address on social media, even via a temporary event, just in case your account is ever hacked, or if an ex-love or a “frenemy” wants to seek revenge.
4. Creating photo greeting cards.
To save money but still have that “wow” effect when sending a bulk number of greeting cards, have photo cards designed. Another option is to pass them out to local friends before your moving company shows up. Online vendors such as Shutterfly abound, or try your local photo counter at a nearby drug store or pharmacy.
5. Mailing printed or handwritten stationery announcements.
A simple “We’ve moved! Keep in touch!” card with your new USPS mailing address can add some pizzaz to your message. Plus, sending them via snail mail feels like one final box crossed off on your moving checklist.
For more ideas for how to ease your workload when you’re moving, visit our previous blog post, 10 Tips for a Stress-Free Moving Day. Whenever you’re thinking about moving, contact us at 1-800-810-2635. At George Moving & Storage, we have over 40 years of experience as Pittsburgh movers who also serve eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia. Contact us to learn more or for a free quote today.
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