Whenever you consider moving, it can certainly bring a certain set of challenges and take up a good deal of one’s free time. But if you’re relocating across the country? That can be tough to coordinate logistics and schedules for even the best of planners among us. Making a cross-country move often requires a great deal of preparation, and we have got the do-able tips you need to make it happen.
If you’re making plans for a long-distance move, ask yourself, what are my highest priorities? Often this involves finding a new place, leaving an existing living space, moving the bulk of our household goods, and settling into a new city and updated routine.
With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of realistic tips and helpful hints to ease that long-distance move and start enjoying your new surroundings.
Tip 1: Start with the end in mind.
Target your moving dates, then build a timeframe backwards. Ideally, aim for at least 8 to 10 weeks to plan for a cross-country move.
Tip 2: Decide whether to fly or drive.
Based on your budget for time and money, you’ll need to consider whether you’d rather ship vehicles and fly or drive a vehicle or two along the route. If you’re moving as part of a corporate relocation, be sure to ask about how your transportation will be handled.
Tip 3: Make a moving checklist.
Create a to-do list Plenty of task-oriented and moving apps can also help you organize your thoughts.
Tip 4: Get quotes from trained moving professionals.
About 8 to 10 weeks prior to the big move, get quotes from moving companies to help as you begin your planning. You’ll want your valuables protected, so learn all you can about special steps and precautions involved.
Tip 5: Take a comprehensive inventory of your belongings.
This can also be part of a moving company quote, but you’ll need to decide which items to bring and which to leave behind or donate. Ideally, try not to move anything into your new place that you no longer love or need.
Tip 6: Determine your furniture plans.
At this stage, you get to determine if you love your furniture enough to bring it with you or you’d rather sell (or donate) what you already have and then purchase new items — or some combination of the two.
Tip 7: Make plans for children and pets.
After deciding whether you will fly or drive across the country, finalize plans for children and pets before and after the move. It might be a good idea to secure extra hands for help, and/or arrange time off from work with childcare and pet-sitting plans in place.
Tip 8: Launch the change-of-address process.
This previous post of cute ways to update friends and family helps start the process, but bear in mind this goes beyond the post office, as they’re not the only ones who might need to reach you after you’ve moved in.
Tip 9: Change over the home utilities.
At least two weeks before you move, contact the utilities for your area which include Cable/satellite TV, Internet services, water and sewer services, gas or heat, electricity, a security system, trash, and your phone line or VoIP service. Make time for adequate connecting times before you arrive so you won’t have to move in the dark.
Tip 10: Take care of your soul.
Last but not least, factor in some me-time to help you stay calm and focused (and therefore able to make better decisions!), and reward yourself for a job well done.
Whenever you’re looking to help sell a house, in the market for local movers, long-distance movers, or seeking a full-service relocation, George Moving and Storage has you covered. Whether you’re moving into Pittsburgh, western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, or northern West Virginia — or you’re relocating to another part of the country, our team is prepared to work with you on solutions for all of your moving and storage needs. Contact us today for a free no-obligation quote.
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